Thursday, December 2, 2010

Welcome to my Life

Sooooooooo.... Guten Abend, Gute Nacht~
ich schreibe irgendwie nicht so häufig, wie ich es mir wünschen würde/gewünscht hatte. :S.
Alsoooo, hier bin ich noch ein Mal ganz kurz bevor ich mich ins Bettchen lege um dann morgen früh schön meine  MatheKlausur zu verhauen -_-. Stochastik kann mich mal, es gibt andere Wege im Casino zu punkten :'D. siehe z.B. 21. :)
Sooo, just thought I let you guys catch up a little on what I've been up to. I DID go to the Rooney concert- which was FREAKING amazing- topped off with Robert Schwartzman retweetin me that same night and all. Not to mention the rather steamy :'D hugs, conversations (consisting of a hello, you were awesome, can I get a picture. and oh hey! thank you! of course you can :D!), and getting autographs. OH and we were standing next to him when he got interviewed by YouFm~ so that was purr-ree-teh awsum :D.
so ya. I also went to France :)
Here's a picture of my very very good friend Jenny, who does not only share my name, but also too many other things with me:'D, and my humble crazy self. This picture doesn't really get you anywhere if you were expecting beautiful landscape or scenery, but it shows a speck of ocean and rocks--- you catch my drift xD.

Also..I attended a boyceavenue concert, which was at least as amazing as the Rooney one.. except, it was a bit more crowded, resulting in getting to watch Alejandro and Co. from a feeeew meters away. so yea. + no autographs, personal pictures or sweaty handshakes.. but a some awful pictures or videos?!?! with crappy quality--- hahah.
Speaking of crappy quality- I need a new phone :S.
hmpf. maybe christmasss maybee....
I usually don't get Christmas presents...~ reason being, the occasion focusing on Jesus' birth and not exactly mine.. but....
a blackberry? still`? pls? pretty please?? :D
I've been good! .. ok that's a lie. now I lied. I'm bad. black list.
I've got ADD
WOW. totally spaced off.
Were was I? :D
Oh yeah- my life oO.
concerts, vacation, presents. ----> if you think my life only consists of're wrong. sadly. ^^
School is annoying the cra...aabs outta me. The majority of the student body at school are egoistic and self-centered or just knieving. :S
Whatever. I'm graduating next spring. I'll make it through :'D.
I just saw the carcass of my Arrabiata :D.
& thought of spacing off again, but I think this would be a good moment to prepare myself for farewell again. :) If you are still reading this, you are an amazing person :).
Awesome. Just as I want to leave, 1000000 things occur to my mind that I would like to share with you.
For example, that it is the first of December today, and I love December even though I do not like winter that much.
And also that it is snowing is awesome :D. ONLY PROBLEM: I need new EFFICIENT boots that do their job rightly, protecting my toesies from the cold and wet.
Been getting into EllieGoulding again lately. So here's the video that made me fully|completely&unmercifully fall in love with her and acknowledge/recognize her TRUE talent (compared to other "artists" out there at the moment *hust*) :
there you go.
I visited Starbucks twice today. the passion is growing steadily and monotonously during the proceeding winter.
ON that note, I will say Good Night, and Good Bye.
I hope you had, or will have a wonderful start into this BEAUTIFUL month.
Love you&God bless.

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