Monday, December 6, 2010

VIN- Very Important News. :D

Good Afternoon :)
I'm enjoying pitted grapes at the moment xD.
How are you guys?
I, for myself have had enough of school work~ or rather exams. School without exams can actually be quite entertaining :).
I got me-self some nice bootsies today, along with some new bling bling. feeling like a true G right now, I tell ya. xD.
Well no, actually, my boots are rather masculine, hiking-type. But I love them. Kinda look like Timberlands, but aren't. I don't consider them fakes. They are just not an overrated brand. ;)
And actually my blingbling consists of a pair of sterling silver earrings, I had to buy because I needed studs for the night -_-.
Soooo. :P anywaysss xD.
Happy St. Nicks Day everybody :D.

Only thing that really sucks right now is all the electricity going completely crazy due to the cold :S.

Well. That's all for today,
outsies xD


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Too school for cool?

I just came back from church- well sunday school rather, which I supervise with a couple of friends of mine...
We rehearsed the Christmas Play... I've gotta say, I'm kinda worried :S. Anna and I had the supercalifragilistic idea of rewriting the script teenage-style.. we just haven't asked for permission yet. haha :D.
So, what have I been up to?
I wrote my 4-hour art exam (since it's one of my majors).
Well rather drew. 2 hours of describing and analyzing Diego Velazquez' "Las Meninas". Ring a bell, anyone? No?
Hm. I actually kinda like the picture. But the preposterous thing is, what came after the description+analysis of said painting. We had to, and I am not kidding, I am dead serious, DRAW this picture. Yes. this one, right here. In about 1/ 1/2 hours. wtf? C'mon, you can't tell me Velazquez painted this in a mere amount of time of 90 minutes. Sorry, thats just ridiculous. -_-
Anyway, after hopefully not completely failing it, I got to skip P.E. for it at least :D.
Even though I enjoy badminton, but - whatever. :P

Yesterday I attended some sort of festival with a couple of friends called "i*Themba" which was really cool!
It's an South African dance/singing/acting crew I believe.. oh, and they are Christian, so they reenacted some parables and stories from the bible, or just  acted out some sketches concerning God, love, etc.
Anyway, it was AWESOME!
and the best part was that JUDY BAILEY was there!!! The woman that wrote "Jesus in my House" hollyyyy Jesus! :D

Soo, I have to finish off, still have to study quite a lot with a couple of friends. Biology this time. :D
and till next time <3

Thursday, December 2, 2010

facing Decisions. Crossroads.

Hello dreamers :)
I finally got home at around 7.30 pm today, after attending 2 info events concerning college. Since the representatives for journalism and psychology were inhibited I settled with interior architecture/set design, and social work.
Now, I want to do both. Great. :D
Then, I have to pick the subjects I want to major in... oh dear.
I am forced to make decisions every day. life-lasting yet irrelevant to life ones. I hate it.
To my "Need to buy list" I am adding gloves that actually warm your hands and shield them from the clawing cold, instead of making me feel like my pinky will fall off any moment, or worse, that I wouldn't even notice it.

Went to the Frankfurter Weihnachtsmarkt TODAYY :D I just love the food, the smells and all the knick knacks you don't need but actually do need very much. A couple of friends of mine plus the Japanese-one-year-exchange-student and I sure experienced quite a shock, when all of a sudden the public trash can started singing or rather crowing Christmas carols upon opening it.

OH I DO adore the Weihnachtsmarkt. Pity we did not have punch. But that will change once we visit again :).
(only thing I cannot stand and am rather sad about is the horrendous, limp, nearly bald, poorly decorated "CHRISTMAS TREE", standing (at least) tall in the center of the place. It seems to me, that the individuals that had to choose the annual Christmas Tree, have/had/will have a lack of taste and talent.)

Nevertheless~ I am doing quite fine, thanks for asking ;). My Math-Exam was not as abhorrent as it could have been, and I am going to call it an early night <3.

On wanting a new phone for Christmas.. let me just say, I made quite THE deal today.

HOHOHO °<(8{)
I am stoked for Christmas and all the Love and Happiness involved with the whole occasion :D.

No song today, but I found a heart wrenchingly sweet sneak peak of well : . Click it and find out :P.
If you watch this and start to wonder what age I actually am- let me assure you. I am NOT to old. In MY world. so yes. I like it :). no, let me correct myself. I adore it. hehe.

have a good and successful rest of the week.


P.S.: If you are wondering what exactly a "Weihnachtsmarkt" is~ google it, unravel the mystery.
Still, I believe, the colors give it away a little bit. =]

Welcome to my Life

Sooooooooo.... Guten Abend, Gute Nacht~
ich schreibe irgendwie nicht so häufig, wie ich es mir wünschen würde/gewünscht hatte. :S.
Alsoooo, hier bin ich noch ein Mal ganz kurz bevor ich mich ins Bettchen lege um dann morgen früh schön meine  MatheKlausur zu verhauen -_-. Stochastik kann mich mal, es gibt andere Wege im Casino zu punkten :'D. siehe z.B. 21. :)
Sooo, just thought I let you guys catch up a little on what I've been up to. I DID go to the Rooney concert- which was FREAKING amazing- topped off with Robert Schwartzman retweetin me that same night and all. Not to mention the rather steamy :'D hugs, conversations (consisting of a hello, you were awesome, can I get a picture. and oh hey! thank you! of course you can :D!), and getting autographs. OH and we were standing next to him when he got interviewed by YouFm~ so that was purr-ree-teh awsum :D.
so ya. I also went to France :)
Here's a picture of my very very good friend Jenny, who does not only share my name, but also too many other things with me:'D, and my humble crazy self. This picture doesn't really get you anywhere if you were expecting beautiful landscape or scenery, but it shows a speck of ocean and rocks--- you catch my drift xD.

Also..I attended a boyceavenue concert, which was at least as amazing as the Rooney one.. except, it was a bit more crowded, resulting in getting to watch Alejandro and Co. from a feeeew meters away. so yea. + no autographs, personal pictures or sweaty handshakes.. but a some awful pictures or videos?!?! with crappy quality--- hahah.
Speaking of crappy quality- I need a new phone :S.
hmpf. maybe christmasss maybee....
I usually don't get Christmas presents...~ reason being, the occasion focusing on Jesus' birth and not exactly mine.. but....
a blackberry? still`? pls? pretty please?? :D
I've been good! .. ok that's a lie. now I lied. I'm bad. black list.
I've got ADD
WOW. totally spaced off.
Were was I? :D
Oh yeah- my life oO.
concerts, vacation, presents. ----> if you think my life only consists of're wrong. sadly. ^^
School is annoying the cra...aabs outta me. The majority of the student body at school are egoistic and self-centered or just knieving. :S
Whatever. I'm graduating next spring. I'll make it through :'D.
I just saw the carcass of my Arrabiata :D.
& thought of spacing off again, but I think this would be a good moment to prepare myself for farewell again. :) If you are still reading this, you are an amazing person :).
Awesome. Just as I want to leave, 1000000 things occur to my mind that I would like to share with you.
For example, that it is the first of December today, and I love December even though I do not like winter that much.
And also that it is snowing is awesome :D. ONLY PROBLEM: I need new EFFICIENT boots that do their job rightly, protecting my toesies from the cold and wet.
Been getting into EllieGoulding again lately. So here's the video that made me fully|completely&unmercifully fall in love with her and acknowledge/recognize her TRUE talent (compared to other "artists" out there at the moment *hust*) :
there you go.
I visited Starbucks twice today. the passion is growing steadily and monotonously during the proceeding winter.
ON that note, I will say Good Night, and Good Bye.
I hope you had, or will have a wonderful start into this BEAUTIFUL month.
Love you&God bless.