Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A little bit about my little self.

Hi. I am a new Blogger who will go under the code-name of Emma Bennet. Actually- she is a fictional character of mine- of a story my best friends and I have been working on- drafting and composing- for a few years now- and has developed to a sort of alter ego of yours truly.
I've owned diaries and journals in the past, but somehow it never worked out for me. It kind of became a task, something I HAD to do everyday. Thus, I decided to quit. On the other hand- I cherish memories. They are the best and the worst thing- minds are capable of creating. Nowadays- in our modern cyber-space world :) (which I confess to be part of) a new option came up. I have thought about it, and created accounts, only to delete them a couple of hours later. But TODAY- on an ordinary Wednesday afternoon during fall vacation, I am going to begin keeping my memories alive.  
I shall let you in on some of my deepest thoughts and things that occur in my life- the joyful and the cheerless.
I may write about things that I would not be able to express in another medium..
Also- on a lighter note : D it is still going to be the diary of an (un?)ordinary 18 year old girl. Some stuff will be fictional, then some real life experiences...I think you will find out for yourself ... until next time...

1 comment:

  1. :)
    Oh Honey thats awsome! :D
    really! I´m not joking!
    And whoooooot!
    I´m your first follower <3
