Sunday, September 16, 2012


Hallo! Hello! Hej Hej!

I know. I'm making a post. Unbelievable.

I think it's time again. It is Fall, I turned 20 last week and I've felt so unproductive the past couple days months.

So I thought, I'll liven this up again. :)
"Diary Entries", including pictures/gifs/links and such, shall fill this page once more. 

I've started Uni again, this year - different subject back to Square 1.
Right now, it's summer break, so I have quite some time on my hands :)!

Since my last post on Wednesday, August 31, 2011, not that much life-changing has happened^^.
Just some working experiences and Uni. 

Oh- and also, my brother, me and a couple others went to a music festival! I almost forgot! :D It was bloody amazing..I got to see so many favorite musicians of mine in 3 days. CRAZINESS. Old and recent favorites alike!
Mentionable: "Old" favorites: blink182, m83, switchfoot, the xx
                     Recent favorites:  Bombay Bicycle Club, Ed Sheeran, Florence and the Machine, We Are Augustines

For my birthday last week, we went hiking in the woods <3. 

I thought about what fun things I could possibly do that I hadn't done before on my birthday. I've always had trouble in the past - to think of things, other than eating out or bowling/cinema/(insert boring cliché birthday activity).

And then it hit me: GOING ON AN ADVENTURE with my closest friends. Perfect. It was perfect.


I was at a friend's house very spontaneously, after we had visited Anna.
We decided to bake brownie-muffins. Just for the heck of it and because I guess my friend is/was in kind of a baking frenzy.
Well I baked ultimately, while she did uni stuff, but she created an awesome gif of it! :D

White Chocolate Pumpkin Brownies
Hopefully, it inspires you to want to bake as well. It is actually one of the ways I vent. BAKING. And cooking of course(which I consider myself better at ;P).
Fact: It is quite exhausting to grate a pumpkin -_-. But worth it :D. They're insanely healthy (AND yummy!)

Anywho. I'll hit the hay now..

I am so excited for next week. Me and my awesome baking friend are going to... one of the most popular cities on earth, even though, the weather is not exactly the best (ATTENTION: I love that weather..I was just referring to the more general opinion of weather :)). The city of~LONDON <3.

P.S.: What I HAVE done since I wrote on here, almost a year ago.. is discovering new favorites in music.

ESPECIALLY: them(him).
The version of the song that this link leads to, is my preferred one. It is, however the only video with this version. 
Nevertheless, ENJOY! <3

It's good to be back.